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Domestically produced portable color ultrasound machines have a strong foundation and broad market prospects in impoverished areas.
Release Time:2020-08-28 10:00

A portable color ultrasound machine is a form of medical ultrasound imaging that utilizes small and lightweight equipment. It is a diagnostic method used in clinical settings such as cardiology, vascular surgery, radiology, endocrinology, pediatrics, and obstetrics and gynecology.


Primary healthcare institutions play a vital role in China's hierarchical medical system. They are responsible not only for diagnosing and treating common and prevalent diseases but also for providing public health services such as disease screening and health management, especially in impoverished regions. However, research indicates that the availability of portable color ultrasound devices is relatively low in primary healthcare institutions in impoverished areas. Among the 242 healthcare institutions surveyed, only 60 of them had portable color ultrasound machines, with an average of only 0.25 devices per institution. This shortage not only hinders the provision of services by primary healthcare institutions in impoverished areas but also limits the improvement of their healthcare service capabilities.

The study also reveals that among these portable color ultrasound devices, 71.7% are domestic brands. In township health centers, the usage of domestic brands is as high as 93.5%. Healthcare professionals at the grassroots level generally believe that domestic brands not only offer significant advantages in terms of price and performance but also outperform imported brands in terms of after-sales maintenance and ease of use. In terms of device usage, there are no significant differences between domestic and imported brands regarding daily operation times and annual failure rates. In recent years, domestic brands have gained a good reputation in the market, laying a solid foundation for their promotion at the grassroots level. A preliminary estimate indicates that there is a shortfall of approximately 182 devices in just the surveyed 10 counties. If we consider all the impoverished counties in the four surveyed provinces, the shortfall will exceed 500 devices, indicating significant market potential.

Da Wei Medical offers various models of portable color ultrasound machines, known for their high precision in diagnostics and clear displays. These devices are also competitively priced, making them suitable for use in medium and small clinics. If you would like to learn more about the pricing and models of portable color ultrasound machines, you can contact Da Wei Medical. They offer several models, including DW-PE582, DW-PF522, DW-500, DW-360, catering to different needs.