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Grandeur of Dawei Medical at the March Medical Equipment Exhibition
Release Time:2023-04-14 10:00

In March, Dawa Medical made appearances at the Chengdu Medical and Health Exhibition, the China International Medical Equipment (Shandong) Expo, and the Central Plains Medical Equipment Exhibition.


The three exhibitions, each lasting for three days, have successfully concluded. Over these three days, Dawa Medical reconnected with old friends, made new acquaintances, and achieved remarkable results. Let's capture the moments with some on-site photos and relive the highlights.

During the exhibitions, Dawa Medical showcased a variety of technical products. In response to inquiries from customers on-site, the team provided enthusiastic and professional explanations and services. Many customers who visited the exhibition expressed their interest in collaboration and engaged in in-depth discussions.



The staff patiently and thoroughly explained the product's features and performance parameters through live demonstrations and on-site explanations, showcasing the product's characteristics and advantages.

As the leading brand in public health diagnosis, Dawa Medical offers a portable bedside color ultrasound that meets the diagnostic needs of multiple departments, providing comprehensive diagnostic solutions for clinical healthcare. The ECG machine, from chip signal processing to data mining and module testing, continually optimizes resources, enhances efficiency, and positions the product at the forefront in China, providing a new diagnostic experience.

The world's first dual-screen self-lifting color visual uterine therapy system combines high-end functionality, exquisite hardware craftsmanship, and intelligent post-processing algorithms. It significantly improves data processing efficiency and image frame rate processing speed. This system provides a "comprehensive" solution for gynecological uterine surgeries, artificial abortions, and the insertion and removal of intrauterine devices, reducing trauma for women.

The newly introduced intervention and puncture guidance full-touch bone ultrasound has become the "third eye" for doctors in the pain rehabilitation department. It features a user-friendly design to handle various complex environments. It supports specialized probes, such as L-type and high-frequency linear arrays, producing clearer superficial images. The fully intelligent blue light puncture enhancement technology automatically detects the needle position and optimizes the best image quality, making punctures safer, more accurate, and more efficient. This product sets a new standard for full-touch bone ultrasound and redefines the direction of puncture guidance.


The products showcased at the event demonstrated Dawa Medical's excellent technical capabilities and received recognition from many industry experts, expanding the brand's visibility in the market.


Customer-first" is the core value that Dawa Medical consistently upholds. With strong research and development capabilities and a professional and sincere service attitude, the company is committed to ensuring customer satisfaction. Dawa Medical gained numerous "fans" at the three exhibitions in March and secured on-site contract signings and orders.


Dawei Medical used the exhibition platforms as a bridge to showcase new products and technologies to industry leaders and both new and existing customers. The company engaged in discussions to explore industry development trends collectively.
